06.23.2021 | News

Founding Partner Richard Gentilli to Cut Back Role

By Richard E. Gentilli

Dear friends and colleagues,

Almost a quarter century ago, I and a few colleagues left a “traditional” law firm, to form a “different” kind of law firm. One that was more egalitarian and collegial; A firm that could deliver the highest quality of legal services at a reasonable cost, while allowing its attorneys to have a life outside of work. As things turned out, we were far more successful than we ever imagined possible. Our firm has had staying power and has grown, and while it has changed over the years it has retained much of that spirit that drove its creation and carried us through the early years. The baton is being passed to a new generation of attorneys, who, I am pleased to say, retain both the zeal and the comradery of HF’s early years. So, it is with a fair amount of pride that I leave Hackett Feinberg after 44 years of practicing law and almost 25 with HF. Many of my colleagues have been by my side for almost my entire career. That has been a joy. I look to many of my colleagues more as siblings, rather than as co-workers.

Effective the end of June 2021, I will move from being a partner at our firm to being a consultant. While I will continue to be involved and be available to clients and colleagues, it will be in a reduced role, more tailored to giving advice, developing strategy and transition than being lead counsel. During this transition period I will still be available to discuss matters with clients and to help transition any matters needing legal attention to my colleagues and co-workers at HF. I do this knowing that regardless of the matter involved, all of clients will be in good, competent hands.

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve my clients over the years. It has been a joy to work at HF among friends and colleagues. Unfortunately, the years fly by and a time comes to call it a day and to step back. So, to all, I wish you well. Let us stay in touch.

Richard Gentilli

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